
Things to know about the automatic mode page

This page is divided in 3 main areas:

A - Area to select custom or pre-defined schedules

You can set up and edit a maximum of 4 custom schedules and one pre-defined schedule. Examples:

B - Area to adjust the selected custom or pre-defined schedule

This area shows an overview of the currently selected schedule. You can edit any day by tapping on one of the corresponding bars. You can add and edit multiple time slots with specific temperatures for every day and also copy to other days. Please consider:

C - Area for advanced functionalities

1. Copy the current schedule to other rooms.

2. Quickly change the temperature values in the current schedule (across all days).

3. Indicator of current page: You can swipe to switch between the manual mode page and the automatic mode page.

Similar topics:

Room climate symbols page

Manual mode page

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